Flight Check-in tips

Do the check-in a day in advance if the option is available

– If you want to know the best seats for a flight check the Internet for info: seatguru.com for example informs you about seats with lots of leg room, seats to avoid etc.

– If you have to check in a bag at the counter, always verify if they could provide you a better seat.

– At the gate of your next connecting flight never hesitate to inquire about your flight. Sometimes flights are full, and you may receive an offer for an upgrade to Business.

– On board, if the flight is not full you could scout for the best seats… After the announcement that everyone has boarded the plane and you noticed empty seats, just ask the flight attendant if you could switch seats.

– If you are traveling with a low cost company( EG EasyJet) and you have luggage to check-in… Make sure that you specify this when you book the flight. The fee for last minute luggage check-in can sometimes be more expensive than the flight.

– If you are collecting Miles for your trip, makes sure that your frequent flyer is quoted on the boarding pass, if not, verify that the frequent flyer id is registered with the ticket. Pay special attention when a part of your trip is done by a company with code share agreement with the airline you booked in. It is possible to have the first leg of your trip counted, but not the one served by the code share partner.

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