Author: Alvaro Senturias

The beautiful harbour of Kyrenia 0

Travel Ideas: Cyprus

Few countries share the distinction of being a crossroad to three continents.  For Cyprus, that distinction has provided a History of more considerable significance relative to its size. Great civilizations have coveted the small Island for millenniums,...


Swiss Business Lounge – Geneva

The Swiss Business lounge in Geneva is a mid-sized lounge, appropriate for the size of airport it is located. I can’t really speak for those who always use the lounge at peak hours, but...


The multifaceted city of Taipei

I arrived at Taipei at the dead of night, a timing I am used to as there seems to be a correlation between cheap airfares and late-night arrivals. I got some money out of...

Along Beirut Cornish 0

Memories of Beirut

Beirut, Lebanon – written on May 27, 2007 Today was my first day in Beirut. I walked the Corniche, heading toward Raouché. At one point, I thought I had it all wrong, like Raouché...

A beach at Dili, East Timor 0

Destination East Timor

Asia’s newest country is moving silently in its transition to mature its Economy and Society. It is a country where a lot is still on the drawing board and where there is always an...