Phone Apps for your Travels

Phone Apps for your Travels
- Here Maps an offline-map application . Ever since GPS has been integrated with phones, I have been using it to
- Find my way through cities with minimum preparation.
- The fact that the map is offline, does saves me from Mobile Roaming costs
- The GPS gives re-assurance when you are in a taxi and you want to know if you’re in the right direction
- In some countries if you are taking public transport, there are no “bus stops”, you have to tell the driver to stop when needed. The GPS comes in handy!
- Caveat: Being discrete with your flashy mobile might be of the essence in some cases, and besides it really is nice to ask people around for directions 🙂
- Roamer: A Dual sim app simulator. If you need your home mobile phone abroad and save on Roaming costs
- Get a local Sim with Internet access, install Roamer and you’ll be reachable on your home mobile phone via Internet
- Calls from/to your Home mobile phone will be charged significantly less than through Roaming.
- The quality is good but of course this is dependent on the bandwidth allocation of the Foreign Mobile operator or on the Wifi connection that you are using.
- Trip-it: A travel itinerary aggregator. I never travel without using it.
- You receive your online ticket by, forward it to Trip-it and that information is neatly compiled in your Trip-it account. That gets really practical when you have multiple flights, and even hotel reservations!
- The App even helped me for Tax purposes. I needed to know how many days I spent in a particular country; with frequent travel this info can be hard to get. As all my travels are documented in Trip-it, the task became easy.
- Trip-it can work in Synergy with other Apps… see the next Application…
- FlightTrack
- With all my flight info recorded in Trip-it, FlightTrack uses that data to track the status of my flights .
- The app also offers subsidiary information like whether the flight is prone to delays…
- The app is especially helpful when you are picking up friends at the airport. Just get their flight number and you get information on Estimated Time of Arrival (With info on flight delays)
- Turdus – Offline Wiki Travel app: (iOs, though there should be many Android or Windows equivalent.)
- Possibility to download the whole database of WikiTravel in your phone.
- If you travel on short notice, the app can be invaluable. It is really good to read about the places you are going to on your way there on the plane.
- Translation apps
- With special mention on those that can read languages like Chinese through picture. Very useful, when you are ordering food
- Passbook(iOs):
- I have to say this app has grown on me ever since a lot of airline companies have adopted it. If always do advance check-in when it is available. I just download the ticket to Passbook… again if it is available. I usually pass the check-in counter and go directly to the gate as most of the time I don’t have check-in luggage,